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  • #33: PMM Camp Starts Today ✨

#33: PMM Camp Starts Today ✨

Grab your marshmallows and your GTM playbooks

238 days ago I sat down to write the first edition of this newsletter.

What started as a way to filter (and share) my thoughts on product marketing has grown into something larger than I could have ever imagined.

We’re now 33 issues in, and more than 2,000 of you have joined me on this journey - reading weekly, suggesting topics, and asking me follow-ups to each edition. It’s been an absolute joy getting to know many of you as the weeks have gone on.

I like to think of you all as friends. Which is why today, I’m sharing a secret, and you’re the first to know.

PMM Office Hours is rebranding to PMM Camp ✨

In today’s edition, I’ll share how I approached this rebrand as both a founder and a product marketer, and what this means for the future of the newsletter.

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Product marketers build compelling stories that sell. But, often, we spend more time designing slides than shaping narratives. Journey helps product marketers tell personalized stories at scale. Think Notion meets Google Slides meets ChatGPT 🪄

Their AI presentation tool builds sales decks and enablement materials in a fraction of the time. Plus, you’ll see higher conversion and engagement rates too. The best part? They have a free forever plan.

I’ve partnered with Journey to bring your stories to life - and the winner will receive $500 cash. Sign up, create a Journey, and then share on social media. The winner will be announced by August 16th.

Learn how to get started with Journey for free (and enter to win that $500 💸).

The Path to Content/Market Fit

The initial concept behind PMM Office Hours was simple: create a scalable way to share my advice on product marketing.

I get dozens of questions a week on LinkedIn and via email from product marketers who are looking to adopt a more strategic approach to product marketing. Between my full time job and my personal commitments, I can’t answer each one. But, I want to help!

Thus, Office Hours was born. I planned to take the questions I got asked the most and answer one each week.

But, as soon as I started writing, I realized I had more to share. Really, a lot of the questions I get could be answered with a Google search. I wanted to go deeper, and share not just the answers but also the process I go through to answer them myself.

As the classic proverb says: give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

I want each of you readers to walk away from the newsletter with actionable advice you can apply yourself as you grow your career. I want you to learn how to fish (…apply PMM strategy).

So, the concept evolved. Q&A turned into storytelling instead. I started providing glimpses into my life, sharing the real things my team was working on, and the lessons we were learning along the way.

The newsletter turned into something that felt less transactional and more communal.

As the weeks went on, I began to view the opportunity differently too. I launched a private community to bring senior product marketers together to discuss these topics IRL. I started offering leadership coaching services for PMMs wanting to accelerate their careers.

And the spark of an idea for PMM Camp was lit.

Why PMM Camp?

Do you remember the last day of camp as a child? You’d look back at the week with fond memories, sad for it to end. Friendships were formed. You were fired up about new interests and hobbies. And you’d grown as a person.

Camp is a magical place, full of whimsy, connection and expansion. And I firmly believe that there is a need for this in the professional space as well.

So, I’m going to build this world myself.

PMM Camp is a community of like-minded product marketers who want to have high impact careers. I’m on a mission to help you:

🔥 Ignite your spark for product marketing

👯‍♀️ Connect with other PMMs over meaningful, high-quality conversations

🌱 Expand beyond the basics to deepen your skillset and refine your craft

As a PMM, I know that there’s never a perfect time to rebrand a business. It’s a risky change, but it’s also risky to not evolve. As I reached content/market fit with my audience, it became abundantly clear that I needed to update the brand to reflect the new purpose and product.

But, don’t worry - the newsletter isn’t going anywhere! It’s simply rebranding to better reflect the content I’m already creating today. Starting next week, you’ll notice that the newsletter will have a new look and feel with the PMM Camp branding, and I’ll be sending it from a new domain.

Want to know what’s coming next? I’ll be launching a new website tomorrow morning and opening up another 25 seats in the senior community. Swing by my LinkedIn post to get all the details!

Thank you for your support these past 33 editions, and I can’t wait for the next 33.